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TIPS & TRICKSModify Payment Request |
Modifying an Amount Requested Using Remittance Data
If you are modifying an Amount Requested that has Remittance Data associated with it, you can click first on the Remittance Data and make the modification at the remittance level. Your updates will carry back to Step 3. If the modification is to an item within a Summary payment , update the Total Amount Requested and click Submit .
a Payment Request with Status
of ‘ Warehoused ’ or
‘Queued to be Sent to ACH or Fedwire
’ may not be Eligible for Modification
If the payment request was approved via Agency Review and, subsequently, went to ‘Warehoused,’ ‘Queued to be Sent to ACH' or 'Pending ACH/Fedwire’ status, is not eligible for modification, if they are rejected in Agency Review.
Settlement Date for the
An ACH settlement date can be up to 33 days in the future if this is permissible by the agency. If not, the settlement date can only be next business day .
a Row
On Step 3, when you modify your payment data, if you decide that want to cancel an item in an Summary request, click the “X” in the Remove Row column that corresponds with this item. The item is removed and totals adjusted. If the pending payment request is an Individual request, clicking the Remove Row will cancel the payment request.
to Stop a Payment
The following is a list of things that would prevent your payment from being accepted:
A Debt Ceiling Event has been declared
Amount of the payment request is greater than the Available Balance .
Amount of the payment request is greater than the Maximum Draw amount for either the day, month, quarter, or total as specified on the account profile.
Total Amount Requested is negative (including details for a control account)
An account detail has reached it’s maximum draw amount
Account is flagged for Agency review
During the entry of the payment request:
the account has been suspended or closed
the recipient or agency has been made inactive or deleted
the account end date has changed
for Payment Request Amount
It is not required that commas be entered as part of the payment request amount, cents are not required, and partial cents are accepted, i.e. 1000.00 and 1000 are acceptable for a $1,000.00 and 1000.1 is acceptable for $1000.10.
Effect of Cutoff Times on the Payment
Although the ASAP.gov system will accept a payment request at any time, the payments systems (ACH and Fedwire) have cutoff times that may affect your settlement date. If you enter your payment request after the cutoff times, it will be held by ASAP.gov until the payment system opens the morning of the following business day. Fedwire payments entered after cutoff time (currently, 6:00 pm ET) will not settle until the following business day.
ACH payments entered after cutoff time (11:59 pm ET) will not settle until the day after the following business day. If you need your funds sooner, you may want to consider using Fedwire for same day settlement. ACH payments requesting settlement on the same date that the user is modifying the payment must submit the request to modify the payment prior to the Same Day ACH cutoff time (2:30 pm ET).
Format for Payment Request Amount
It is not required that commas be entered as part of the payment request amount, cents are not required, and partial cents are accepted, i.e. 1000.00 and 1000 are acceptable for a $1,000.00 and 1000.1 is acceptable for $1000.10.
Tracking Detail IDs on Control and Global
Control Accounts
When making an ACH individual or summary payment request, the detail IDs are not sent to the financial institution with the ACH transaction. Only the parent account ID is sent with the ACH record. In order to specifically track your payments and have them tied back to a specific
detail ID, you may do one of two things:
You may use the INQUIRY section and request a "Payment Inquiry". This inquiry will give you all the specifics of each payment request including the detail IDs.
When initiating a PAYMENT REQUEST, you may enter each detail ID as a REMITTANCE item with the amount that you are requesting for each detail ID. Remittance data is carried with the ACH transaction to the participating financial institution.
When Changing Status of Control or Global
Control to Open
If the status of a Control or Global Control Account is changed from suspended or closed to open, at least one Detail associated with that account must also be changed to open. Otherwise, you will be unable to make a payment request on this account.
For questions on the Printer Friendly button and Date Range requirements see FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS.