PROCEDURESInitiate Payment Requests (PR) |
To initiate one or more payment requests in a single transaction, select “Initiate Payment Requests” from the list of Payment Request functions and complete the following steps: |
Define criteria for the accounts you wish to retrieve, specify payment information, and click Continue.
You can specify one or more of the following criteria to retrieve accounts:
Recipient ID , ALC /Region, and Account ID (or partial) or Select a Template
You must specify the following payment information:
Payment Request Type ( Summary or Individual), Payment Method (ACH or Fedwire ), Bank Relationship (identified on your organization profile), Requested Settlement Date (if Fedwire Payment Method, date defaults to current cycle date )
Enter the Amount Requested for each Account ID for which you are requesting a payment. You can specify Remittance Data , which will accompany the ACH payment for deposit to your bank. If multiple pages of accounts are retrieved, paginate through the pages to locate the accounts that you desire. Once Amount(s) Requested has been entered, click Continue.
A summary table provides a list of payment requests you have entered. Upon verification, enter Total Amount Requested (if Summary Payment ) and click Submit .
If you wish to add more payment requests for different accounts, click Add More Accounts, which will return you to Step 1, pending your current requests. Follow Steps 1 & 2 for the new accounts. When you get to Step 3, all requests should be displayed.
Once you submit your payment requests, the system will display a Confirmation . The status of the payment request will vary depending on whether the account is on Agency Review and the Requested Settlement Date.