Home > Payments > Modify a Payment Request > procedures modify payment request
PROCEDURESModify Payment Request |
To modify a pending payment request, select “Modify Payment Requests” from the list of Payment Request functions and complete the following steps: |
Define criteria for the payment request you wish to retrieve and click Continue.
You can specify one or more of the following criteria to retrieve accounts:
Recipient ID , ALC /Region, Account ID (OR PARTIAL), Requestor Reference Number and Date Type
Select the payment request that you wish to modify and click Continue.
Information eligible for modification includes Payment Method , Bank Relationship , Requested Settlement Date, Requestor Reference Number, Amount Requested, and Remittance data .
A payment request can be canceled on this step.
An item within a Summary payment request can be removed by clicking the Remove Row icon next to the corresponding item.
Once you submit your payment request modification, the system will display a Confirmation . The payment request will be updated, including an update to the Available Balance if the Amount Requested was changed and the status is ‘ Warehoused ,’ ‘Queued to be Sent to ACH' or 'pending ACH/ Fedwire .’