PROCEDURESReview Payment Request |
To review payment requests held for Agency Review, select “Review Payment Requests” from the list of Federal Agency Functions and complete the following steps. You can also click the link to “Review Payment Requests” from the Home page. |
Select either ‘All Payment Requests’ or define Date Type to narrow your selection criteria and click Continue.
Select Approve or Reject for the payment requests on which you wish to take action and click Continue.
If you reject the a payment request, a Rejection Reason is required.
If you would like to see additional information at the account level or modify the Amount Requested , click the Details icon which will take you to Step 3B.
If you decide not to take any action at this time, you can either click Cancel or change the action to None and submit.
Once you submit your review action, the system will display a Confirmation of your action.
If you submitted from Step 3, you will now be at Step 4, where you can view Details. Clicking Details from Step 4 will navigate you to the detail level of Step 4 where you will see an updated Available Balance and have the option to Return to Summary (Step 4).
If you submitted from the Details level of Step 3, you will now be at the details level of Step 4 where you will see an updated Available Balance and have the option to Review Another.