Review Payment Request

Step 2 of 4

Approve/Reject Pending Payment Requests

Purpose of Step

This is the second step of the process for an Federal Program Agency to review a payment request. On this step, you can approve or reject a payment request, view details where you can approve and modify a payment request, or take no action.

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Actions for this Step

1.    Select Approve or Reject for the payment requests on which you wish to take action.

·       If you reject the payment request, you have an mandatory field in which to indicate a Rejection Reason .

·       If you would like to see additional information on the payment request or approve a modified amount, click the Details icon corresponding to the payment request.

2.    Click Continue.

·       If there is more than one page of payment requests, you may click on corresponding pages in order to find the specific payment request you wish to act on.


Note: During a debt ceiling, all initiated payment requests for non-exempt accounts will be placed on hold and be released by Fiscal Service during the debt ceiling or will be released by ASAP at the end of a debt ceiling.  All payment activity on exempt accounts will process as normal.


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