TIPS & TRICKSReview Payment Request |
Specifying Date Type vs. System Default for ‘All Payment Requests’
Since the system defaults to ‘All Payment Requests,’ if you wish to retrieve payment requests by using Date Type, in addition to indicating Date Type and a date range, you must click the radio button to de-select the default action .
Authority to Modify an Amount Requested
The Amount Requested can only be modified if the approving officer is specifically granted this authority. If the approving officer does not have authority to modify the Amount Requested, the Details screen does not have a field for Approved Payment Amount or Modification Reason . The Modified amount cannot be more than the original payment request.
Levels of Review Action
The approving officer can take Approve/Reject action at the Summary level (where payment request information is available) or at the Detail level (where ASAP Account information is available). If the approving officer has authority to do so, the Amount Requested can also be modified at the Detail level. Once action is taken at the Detail level (Step 3B), the approving officer cannot return to the Summary level.
Format for Payment Request Amount
It is not required that commas be entered as part of the payment request amount, cents are not required, and partial cents are accepted, i.e. 1000.00 and 1000 are acceptable for a $1,000.00 and 1000.1 is acceptable for $1000.10.
When Changing Status of Control or Global Control to Open
If the status of a Control or Global Control Account is changed from suspended or closed to open, at least one Detail associated with that account must also be changed to open. Otherwise, you will be unable to make a payment request on this account.
Debt Ceiling
During a debt ceiling, all initiated payment requests for non-exempt accounts will be placed on hold and be released by Fiscal Service during the debt ceiling or will be released by ASAP at the end of a debt ceiling. All payment activity on exempt accounts will process as normal.
For questions on the Printer Friendly button and Date Range requirements see FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS.