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Modify Payment Request

Step 3 of 4

Modify Pending Payment Request

Purpose of Step

This is the third step of the process to modify a pending payment request. On this step, you will modify the information for the payment request selected. Information eligible for modification includes Payment Method , Bank Relationship , Requested Settlement Date, Requestor Reference Number, Amount Requested , and Remittance Data .

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Actions for this Step

1.    Modify the Payment Request information

·       The Payment Request Type cannot be modified.

·       The payment request cannot be modified to draw from additional accounts.

·       If the Payment Method is changed from ACH to Fedwire , the Requested Settlement Date is automatically updated to the current cycle date.

·       Remittance Data can be added, removed, or modified on this step.

·       An item within a Summary payment request can be removed (canceled) by clicking the Remove Row icon that corresponds to that particular item.

o      Summary Payments will not process when debt ceiling is in effect.

·       A payment request can be canceled on this step by clicking Cancel this Payment Request, or by clicking Remove Row if there is only one item/payment request.

·       If you add payment requests for Control Accounts or Global Control Accounts, please be aware that, when making an ACH transaction, the Detail IDs of these accounts are not sent to the financial institution. Only the parent Account ID is sent to the financial institution. To accurately track payments made via Detail IDs, please see TIPS & TRICKS.

2.    Update the Total Amount Requested if it is a Summary payment request.

3.    Click Submit.

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