TIPS & TRICKSInquiries - Recipient Organization |
Saving Reports
If you inquire in . csv format it can be saved on a diskette or CD, on your hard drive, or on your network. This provides you with the option to manipulate the data to better meet your needs. However, please note that, for large reports, if saved on your PC or network, it will remain there until you delete it. If the report is not something you need to keep electronically, you may consider saving it with the same name each time so that you do not retain multiple copies that take up valuable space.
Exiting from a PDF or HTML Inquiry
When retrieving an inquiry in PDF or HTML format, a second browser window is opened. Click the X in the upper right corner to close this window and return to . The inquiry is available in a Printer Friendly version by clicking the button.
Availability of Inquiries
Inquiries remain available for retrieval until they are manually deleted. If you immediately view or retrieve an inquiry at a later time, this does not automatically remove it from the ‘Retrieve Inquiry Results’ list.
For questions on the Printer Friendly button and Date Range requirements see FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS.